What Mary Knew By Heart


In my first course, SEEING WITH THE EYE OF THE HEART, we went through the gospel of Mary, verse by verse, looking especially at the concept of the Greek term nous. This word refers to a spiritual capacity Mary’s gospel teaches us we all have the ability to cultivate.

The response to my first course floored me. I anticipated a few hundred of us, Zooming, practicing our innate skill of interpreting texts, and finding our way together not only through Mary’s gospel but also the ancient practice of the kenotic path, self-emptying love.

We had to close registration at 1,000! This allowed me to see how much of a lighthouse Mary’s gospel is for so many of us. It allowed me to see that this is a community coming together, a global community, that represents over 27 countries, all of us wanting to know more, love more.

This next course, for those of you who attended the last one, will be in webinar format on Zoom (aka. no participant video), it will be recorded (so sleep in Australia; the recordings will be sent to everyone after each class,) and we will be building on what we acquired in the first course from Mary’s gospel about the nous.

The first class of this next course will be a review and a deepening of the concept of the nous, so for those of you who are new to the gospel of Mary, we’ll focus on Chapter Seven.

In the second class, we’ll interpret powerful passages from the gospel of Philip. And this will all lead to our third class, which will contain the passage from the gospel of John titled The Risen Life, when Mary is the one to see Christ first at the empty tomb.

Together the three classes of this course will help us to see WHAT MARY KNEW BY HEART and hopefully, we’ll also have a glimpse of what it means to truly “rise,” to “resurrect,” to come back more fully to life. Hopefully we’ll experience a taste of the love that never ends.

With only more love,

Meggan Watterson